Before I begin gushing profusely over puffins, puffins, and more adorable puffins, I’ll start with a little background information about the Faroe Islands.
Comprising of 18 islands, the Faroes are owned by Denmark but geographically closer to Scotland and Iceland. They are also visually reminiscent of both these countries so that might give you a better idea of what to expect. If you’re a die-hard fan of Iceland like myself then the likelihood of feeling a similar way about the Faroes need not to be questioned!
By any standards, the Faroes are undeniably beautiful – wild, remote and windswept. Deep valleys absent of trees, craggy inlets, towering cliffs and often bizarre angular mountains reveal a landscape shaped by volcanic activity and ever-changing weather. Located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, you’re never more than 3-miles away from the sea.
This is a place that particularly appeals to people who love being outdoors and close to nature, and there’s nowhere on the Faroes that can quite trump the breathtaking scenery that can be seen from Mykines, the westernmost of all the islands and only accessible by boat or helicopter.
When is the best time to see puffins on Mykines in the Faroe Islands?
Puffins are migratory birds that visit Mykines, and other areas of the Faroe Islands, during the summer breeding season. However, they usually arrive at the end of April and start to leave at the beginning of September.
Breeding Season:
- The peak of the puffin breeding season on Mykines is roughly from the end of May to to the end of July. During this time, the puffins are actively nesting and taking care of their young. However, I went at the beginning of August and saw thousands of puffins on Mykines, so this is only a guideline.
Puffling Rearing:
- Baby puffins are adorably named pufflings and are typically hatched in burrows or on cliffs, and they start to fledge in July. For the first 6 weeks they stay underground, and await food from their mothers. Typically by six weeks they are ready to leave their nest and fly.
- Puffins begin to leave Mykines by late August or early September as they head back out to sea for the winter.
Getting to Mykines: Helicopter or Boat
Surprisingly, travelling by helicopter is more affordable than you’d imagine, a one-way ticket from Torshavn to Mykines will set you back less than £15. That’s not a bad price to pay when you consider the average price of hopping in a helicopter would usually set you back over £100 in most countries.
The reason for this affordability boils down to the locals. Due to the island’s remoteness, helicopters are used as a mode of transportation for residents and the price doesn’t get pimped up for tourists who wish to follow suit. In other words, a helicopter is not seen as a frivolous holiday activity but rather an essential means of transportation for local commuters. There are no cars on the island.
I was tempted to get the helicopter to Mykines but I was advised by a young woman in Torshavn Tourist Information Centre to take the boat. Helicopters are less frequent and the spaces fill up really quickly so the best guarantee of reaching Mykines is to get the boat.
We listened to her advice, and she booked the tickets on our behalf.
There’s only one small boat from Sorvagur Port on Vagar island, nearby the airport. It departs only once a day and carries approximately 50 people in the summer. This ensure that we, humans, do not overcrowd this special island. An island where only 12 people live (!).
The journey took approximately 50-minutes but it was very choppy. I have a susceptibility to motion sickness so I could not have got off the boat any quicker than I did! Putting my delicate stomach to one side, the highlight of the boat ride was passing Drangarnir Rocks, a collection of stunning rock formation rising from the sea.

But if anything can cure an unsettled stomach it’s filling your lungs with fresh Scandinavian air, feeling an upsurge of wind pushing against your stride, and most of all, clapping eyes on this other-worldly landscape.
Spotting puffins and other birdlife on Mykines
Just looking out at the cliffs I could see birds flying everywhere, big and small ones, black and white ones, all kinds of species. Along the cliffside bird colonies could be seen as white clusters which were likely to be herring gulls.
Though the birdlife is extremely rich and varied on Mykines, the main reason why I wanted to go was to see puffins (Lundin in Faroese). It is reportedly the best island on the Faroes to see them.
This proved to be true. As I hiked further up and away from the sea where the boat had docked, puffins began to emerge from behind the veil of thick fog surrounding the island, my ability to spot them aided by their colourful beaks.
Due to the uneven surfaces and rock formations I would suggest taking a hiking poles if you can. Sometimes the paths can get pretty precarious, if not muddy and slippery…
During the summer months, hundreds and thousands of puffins flock to the island where they dig nesting burrows inside steep, grassy slopes. This came as a big revelation to me as I never knew it was in a bird’s nature to burrow tunnels in the soil like woodland creatures do.
I know it might sound very naive but I thought all birds built their own nest from nearby resources such as twigs, but then it dawned on me – the Faroes don’t have trees so that’s not possible.
They live pretty long lives too, usually 20 years or more. Spending time on land during the summer whilst they breed and the rest of the time they’re bobbing up and down in the ocean far away from land.
For me, this is why I travel, to open my eyes to what is beyond my usual everyday life and provide a deeper interest in the subjects I encounter. I’ve never taken a huge interest in the life of birds but now I’m ready to buy my first pair of binoculars! It was a shame I didn’t have any for my trip so I really suggest you do, these incredible birds are such a pleasure to watch.

Seeing these all these birds is an experience I’ll never forget. These photos give you an impression of how densely populated some of the areas are with puffins, but nothing compares to seeing them for yourself.
Accommodation on the Faroe Islands
Accommodation options on Mykines are extremely limited, there was only one small B & B when I visited, though you might be able to find a couple of options on Airbnb.
Instead, I recommend staying at The View, which has stunning views across the beach and sea, including of Drangarnir Rocks which you will pass on the boat to Mykines. The accommodation couldn’t be more picturesque with its traditional turf roof and cosy but modern wooden interior.
Further reading: Travel Guide to the Faroe Islands – Everything You Need to Know.
36 responses
Look’s like an interesting place. Although pilot whales may disagree.
It is an interesting place, and the topic of whaling in the Faroes is worth more than a throwaway comment so I’ll be writing more about it in my next blog post.
Thank you so much for writing about the Faroese in another context than the whale hunt! Am sick of people not understanding Northerners way of life…. anyway, beautiful pictures! Now I want to visit the Faroese even more! And how cool would it be to live on an island like that?!!
Glad you appreciate seeing and hearing more about the Faroes other than the whale hunt Van! You are quite right, most people are not willing to even try and learn more about Northerners way of life before forming an educated opinion, instead they prefer to hurl abuse at an incredibly isolated island who use traditional methods of obtaining food.
Those little guys are so cute! I just want to squeeze them. My heart squeezed at the picture of them looking right at you! I wouldn’t mind being one of the 12 people who live here…but what on earth do they do??
Hi Jacqueline! They made my heart implode too, such beautiful creatures, and what a pleasure to watch! I’d love to experience life on Mykines too. There are two very small guest houses on the island which I presume are owned by those who live there. One thing is for sure – everyone knows each other!!
You know, when I saw your posts on Facebook, up till the beginning of this blog post, I thought you went to that bunch of English ruled islands off the coast of Argentina. I was confused when you said they are closer to Scotland and Ireland and owned by Denmark. Turns out I have mistaken Faroe Islands and Falkland Islands.
Those puffins, I don’t suppose they are a distant relative to the penguins? They look very much like penguins, at least the Madagascar cartoon version! 😀
Haha I’m happy to read this post was a bit of a geography lesson for you 😀
It’s funny you make that comparison as I kept saying the same thing. A quick google tells me despite the similarities, puffins and penguins are not related!
Wow, just came across your blog and the Faroe Islands look amazing! They actually remind me of Newfoundland, where I’m from, although those cliffs may be even more dramatic! So picturesque. We also have quite a few puffins in Newfoundland – I’ve actually seen them on some great whale/bird boat tours of the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve – and the landscape is fairly similar. I have to admit that was also surprised to find out that puffins burrow into the sides of cliffs – I had no idea!
I recently discovered that the Atlantic puffin is the provincial bird of Newfoundland! As a result it’s now on my radar and I’d love to visit, especially now I’ve seen pictures of Witless Bay Ecological Reserve!
Looks amazing! Shame about the fog, although it sorta sets quite well in the dramatic landscape! Love puffins too, they are so pretty!
Thanks Eleanor, I think fog is part of the Faroes, you can’t expect to visit without it hah! Aren’t the puffins just utterly adorable?
Some cracking photos! Did you eat puffin out there? I saw it on the menu in Reykjavik a lot and was curious, but how could I eat a puffling’s parent?
Ahhh no, I didn’t eat any, though I heard from another guy out there that they taste more like red meat.
‘Love the post. The puffins look so cute and remind me of my childhood. As in puffin books LOL!
I would love to go to the Faroe Islands as it would be great for hiking and looks very pretty and peaceful. I love Scotland and have been to the Isle of Skye, the Isle of Islay and the Isle of Arran. We tried to go to the Orkney Islands but we were arrived 1 day after the ferry season had closed….!
Haha were you little bookworm Victoria? So cute!
The Faroe Islands are beautiful, and definitely the place to be for nature and walking enthusiasts.
The Faroe Islands look beautiful and all but OH MY GOD THE PUFFINS. They are adorable. Beautiful pictures – thanks for sharing!
The puffins were definitely a highlight of my trip to the Faroes Jen!
Oh gorgeous pictures! The puffins are stunning little things, aren’t they!?
Stunning, precious, beautiful, adorable, delightful, the list goes on! 🙂
Those puffin photos are awesome, they are so damn adorable! I’ve actually just returned from a trip to the Faroe Islands myself (from August 21st until August 29th), but Mykines is one of the few places I didn’t get to visit unfortunately 🙁 Hope to go back there someday, it was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen (together with Norway and Iceland). Didn’t see any puffins, but all these sheep made me happy too. Thanks for sharing your experiences, they were interesting to read. Same goes to your stories from Japan, it’s been my top travel fantasy and I’m finally going to go there in November! 🙂
Hi Saria, I’m happy to hear you fell in love with the Faroes too! I feel the same way, it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve been as well, and it reminded me of Iceland in many ways. Did you use Torshavn as your base? Mykines is a good reason to go again 😉
Hehe, I loved all the sheep, they definitely rule the roads, huh?
Have an amazing time in Japan, it’s such an incredible place and not somewhere that can be easily summed up – everywhere is so different! If you would like any tips or anything, don’t hesitate to ask!
I am in love with Faroe Islands. I have been wanting to go there for several years after I came across an article on yahoo about places that look like a fairytale. I will get there one day! I also absolutely adore and am obsessed with puffins. I saw them 5 years ago in Maine at a bird sanctuary. I fell in love and look for any chance now when I travel in their migratory area to see them!
Hello Ashley, I hope you manage to get to the Faroe Islands soon! I’m obsessed with puffins too, I never imagined I’d see so many!
Great post!
I am planning to go to the Faroe Islands next summer. Mykines is on the top of my list.
I saw in another blog post ( that there were no puffins on Mykines because of low herring populations. Is this true? That would be a major, major bummer.
Did you go this past August (2015)? Did the locals say anything about having fewer puffins recently? This is very important to me and my wife!
I would appreciate any insights. Thank you in advance.
Hi Paul!
Yes, I visited August 2015 and there were LOADS of puffins, far more than I imagined there would be in fact. I’ll upload a few more photos so you can get a better impression of the volume. I looked at the blog post you sent me and I can only say that they must have been misinformed. I think they went before the end of May which would result in them not seeing anything as the birds will not have arrived for breeding season then.
Whilst it’s true the number of birds have decreased in recent years, there are still HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of them! If you want to ensure that you’ll see them then I suggest you go in July or the beginning-middle of August to be certain.
Seeing all these puffins on Mykines really was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen. If you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to ask. You might also find some useful information in this post:
Hi Shing,
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I will definitely factor in your advice as I plan. Puffins are my wife’s favorite bird. Not seeing them after traveling all the way to the Faroe Islands would be disastrous!
I happened to find your website by Googling Mykines. I will definitely be following your blogs!
Thanks again,
Hi. I can see the date you posted this, but can you please confirm the date you took these pictures – was it that date? I ask because we are considering visiting the Faroe Islands in the summer and don’t want to arrive too late to see the puffins! Thanks.
Hi Shing. I can see the date you posted this, but can you please confirm the date you took these pictures – was it that date? I ask because we are considering visiting the Faroe Islands in the summer and don’t want to arrive too late to see the puffins! Thanks.
Hi Dave, these photos were taken at the beginning of August so you can be rest assured that you’ll see puffins as long as you go to Mykines (via boat or helicopter which is a surprisingly affordable mode of transport on the Faroes). If you want to be certain to see them I would say go anytime between the end of June to the beginning-middle of August. Have a wonderful time and if you have anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask!
Hi Shing. Many thanks for your comprehensive reply – it’s greatly appreciated. We’re definitely going to go this summer (having fallen in love with both Iceland and the Shetland Islands – the Faroes are a must!) and your comments will help us decide the best time. We have a potential booking at the end of July and wanted as much information as possible, to decide whether we could go, and still get to the puffins in time! Your comments would imply that if we hot-footed it out at the start of August and went straight to Mykines, we should be fine, which is a great help. Happy travelling and thanks again!
Yey super pleased to hear you’ll be going! If you love Iceland and Scotland then you should unquestionably feel the same way about the Faroes.
The end of July to the beginning of August is a perfect time to go! Yes, that’s correct, when you arrive I recommend heading straight to the Information Centre at Torshavn where they’ll book the boat trip for you, and I also think they can book a helicopter ride on your behalf but I’m not certain about that since I opted for the boat ride. Alternatively you can also book on the internet.
There’s only one boat in and out of Mykines a day so if you want more time to go hiking, you can also book accommodation on the island for a night. Since my objective was to see the puffins I just went for the day, but after realising how beautiful Mykines really is, I probably would have liked a night so I could do more walking (it’s the most beautiful island on the Faroes in my humble opinion). The accommodation is simple but you should still have a comfortable sleep.
Happy travels!
Great photos! I’d rally love to see these puffins too 🙂
When were these pictures taken (month)? Any chance you know if end of May is a good time to see them?
Thanks so much!
Hi Eran, these photos were taken at the beginning of August, if you want to be certain that you’ll see puffins in the Faroe Islands you should aim to go between June – mid August, and head to the island of Mykines. You might be able to see them in May but I don’t think it’s guaranteed….
How difficult is the hike up to see the puffins please? My mother would love to do this trip but she is not young!
Hi Carole! If your mother has a general level of fitness, adventurous spirit, and is happy on her feet for a couple of hours I think she should be absolutely fine! It might also be the case that you don’t need to go too far to spot puffins as hopefully you’ll spot them all over. In general, the incline isn’t very steep but I remember that the ground can get muddy in places so I advise hiking boots – and maybe walking poles to make the trek even easier for her!
Mykines is truly beautiful – I hope you get there!