Deer Watching and Cycling in Richmond Park, London

Deer watching in Richmond Park, London

There are eight royal parks in London, and the biggest and arguably the best is Richmond Park in south-west London. However, having lived in Greenwich for years, I must give a shout out to Greenwich Park

My visit to Richmond Park was long overdue. After years of living in London, I somehow never made the trip over. I guess like many outdoor pursuits, I always wanted to visit when the weather was optimal, and well, as you know sunshine is never guaranteed in the UK.

I’ve visited Kew Gardens, not realising at the time that it is within walking distance to Richmond Park. However, each place offers so much they require separate day trips of their own.

They are both very different too. Kew Gardens bestows a splendid variety of manicured gardens, contrasting to Richmond Park’s vast expanse of wilderness. I also love that Richmond Park is free to enter (Kew Gardens on the other hand is quite spenny).

Getting to Richmond Park

During lockdown I decided to buy a bike and it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever spent money on. Why I didn’t get one sooner is something I’ll try not to beat myself up about. I never anticipated the feeling of freedom it offers on top of the physical benefits too.

With my new bike in tow, I decided to hop on the Overground to Clapham and cycle to Richmond Park from there. It took a swift 30-minutes of cycling to reach my destination. I wouldn’t exactly call that section of the road cycle-friendly to a newbie to cycling like me, but I survived with all my limbs in tact.

Cycling around Richmond Park in London

Deer watching

Less than 5-minutes of being inside the park I spotted a huge deer with a mane like a lion. It was bigger than any deer I’d seen in Greenwich Park, and unlike the ones in Greenwich which can only be seen from behind a fence, it was roaming free as nature intended.

I pressed the brakes and hopped off my bike to watch the deer from a distance grazing among the foliage. They appeared completely unfazed by me and anyone else around. Clearly the deer in Richmond Park are used to sharing it with humans. 

Deer Watching and Cycling in Richmond Park, London

As I made my way around the park I spotted more and more deer. Most were chilling in groups, and like me, seemed to be basking happily under the warm rays of the sun.

I even saw some gracefully wandering knee-deep into the lake. This sight took me completely out of London. I truly felt like I was on a wilderness safari, not just mere miles away from the hustle and bustle of central London.

Cycling around Richmond Park

Cycling in Richmond Park, London

With endless scenic views and not a car in sight, Richmond Park is fantastic for cycling. Initially, I was going to leave my bike at home so I could explore the park by foot, but taking the bike proved to be an excellent choice.

It’s so big there’s no way I would’ve seen it all on foot in the few hours I had. Cycling meant I could cruise along and hop off at any attractions I spotted along the way.

The circumference of the park is 7 miles long, and some of the sections are tougher than others with a few short but challenging hills to feel your muscles getting a good work out.

It’s the perfect place to come if you’re training for longer rides like the annual London to Brighton bike race. You’d need to do 7 and a half laps to replicate the distance. Maybe that’s something I’ll work towards (ah, who am I kidding. That’s not going to happen!).

There are also lots of other routes to do which involve cutting through the middle of the park and spiraling off down smaller paths.

Isabella Plantations

Isabella Plantations in Richmond Park

I’d seen pictures of Isabella Garden brimming with gorgeous pink and red rhododendrons so I was particularly looking forward to seeing them for myself. Apparently the best rhododendrons you’ll find in London.

The garden is located within Richmond Park so I locked up my bike and headed inside. 

Unfortunately, I discovered the best time to go is between April and May when the rhododendrons are in full bloom. By early September there were only a few patches of red left. Slightly disappointing, but I guess I have a reason to return, eh?

Nonetheless, the garden was still very pretty, a lovely oasis of sorts, with lovely waterways, trails, trees and flowers. 

London panorama – including St Pauls

Richmond Park in London - view of St Pauls Cathedral

Next, I made my way to the western edge of the park to check out the panorama of London. I locked up my bike again and walked the rest of the way up to Richmond Park’s highest point. I’d read somewhere that you can see as far as St Paul’s Cathedral.

I spotted a big telescope and peered down the lens. At first it was a bit confusing because it pointed towards a leafy panorama, albeit a beautiful one. I couldn’t see any skyscrapers which indicted it wasn’t pointing central – and where was the famous view of St Paul’s?  

With the help of a passerby, I discovered the telescope was pointing in the wrong direction, or rather I pointed it in the wrong direction. I needed to swing it in the opposite direction through a wrought iron fence with a hole in the middle. Once I did that, voilà! St. Paul’s appeared!

With the naked eye you can’t actually see it, so it’s a pleasant surprise when you do. The view is considered so important that developers aren’t actually allowed to build any tall buildings that might get in the way – much to the chagrin of urban developers I’m sure.

Deer Watching and Cycling in Richmond Park, London

Final thoughts

I never thought I would visit a park in London that could rival Greenwich Park, but that day has arrived. Richmond Park has taken the top spot for its delightfully bucolic setting and free-roaming deer. I look forward to returning.

You might also like: Best Parks to Visit in London – City Escapes

As well as: 14 London Day Trip That You Will Love

Are you planning a trip to Richmond Park?

Deer watching in Richmond Park, London
Deer Watching and Cycling in Richmond Park, London

One Response

  1. Well done finding this (secret-like?) spot, and though you’re right that St. Paul’s is now only really visible by telescope, it’s still pretty special how this sightline has been preserved though time, and how at least the telescope’s view itself hasn’t changed for over three centuries. There are many parts of London – metropolis that it is – where you wouldn’t know you’re in a city, and to me this is one of them.

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