Taking the Cable Car to Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro

How to get to Sugarloaf Mountain

Sugarloaf Mountain is location nearby Urca, a very pretty residential neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro. However, since most visitors stay in more central locations like Copacabana or Ipanema, it’s likely you’ll need more information on how to get to Urca, so here are your options:


If you do happen to be staying in Ipanema or Copacabana, the scenic way to walk is to follow the shoreline. When the weather is sweet the beach comes alive with sexy bodies, sporty types and sun worshippers. It’s a great way to catch the action and soak up the beach vibes that Rio is famous for. From Ipanema it will take approximately 1 h 30, and Copacabana 1h.


Rio isn’t always a very walkable city, especially if it takes you a while to reach the shoreline to follow it round to Urca. Sometimes it requires you to cross busy highways and roads so I recommend  getting an Uber which are really efficient and super cheap. However, if you don’t have internet access then getting a cab is your next best way. Cabs in Rio are reasonably priced.

Overall, Uber is just easier when you don’t speak Portguese because you set your location when you order it. Whereas it can be a little tricky to catch a cab when you don’t speak the language and you’re trying to explain to the driver where you want to go. However, in the case of Sugarloaf Mountain, use the Portuguese translation – Pão de Açúca and they’ll know what you mean.


Though I didn’t get a bus my Airbnb host told me there are at least two bus that run to Urca, the 511 to Ataulfo de Paiva or the 512 to Bartholomeu Mitre which are located nearby the entrance to the cable car. You just pay on the bus so make sure you have small notes with you.

Ticket for the cable car

You can get the tickets on arrival at the entrance of the building where you get the cable car. It’s super straight forward. The queue wasn’t too bad when I was there. However, in peak season it might be a different story so you can purchase tickets online beforehand here.

The ticket also includes a tour of downtown Rio.

Getting the cable car to Sugarloaf Mountain in Urca, Rio de Janeiro

The cable car actually takes you up two mountains – Morro da Urca and Pao de Acucar (Sugarloaf)

I didn’t know until I arrived that the cable car actually takes you to two mountains. Yes, that’s right, 2 for the price of 1!

Once you jump on the cable car from the base it takes you up to the first peak (Morro da Urca) which affords stunning views across the city (fingers crossed you have good weather). It might not be as tall as Sugarloaf but it arguably offers the best view simply because it looks out towards Sugarloaf which is one of the city’s most iconic sights.

Like at typical tourist I couldn’t resist take some perspective shots against Sugarloaf, I was rather tame with mine, but looking back if I wasn’t so concerned about looking like an idiot, I would’ve been a bit more creative!

How to get the cable car to Sugarloaf Mountain in Urca, Rio

Once you’ve spent as much time as you want on Morro da Urca, it’s time to jump on the next cable car up to Sugarloaf. The 360-degree views are gorgeous here too, you really get an impression of a how lush the city is surrounded by nature and the sea, and on a really clear day you’ll be able to see Christ the Redeemer which is often shrouded by clouds.

You will probably spend more time than you thought you would at the top because the platform is surprisingly big. It comprises of walkways, cafes and restrooms. I went in the morning, but I’d also like to do this trip in the evening to watch the sunset – golden hour must look spectacular from such a height!

Sugarloaf Mountain - how to get there by cable car

So is it worth it?

Yes! Absolutely! Getting up-close with Sugarloaf mountain was one of the highlights of my trip to Rio. The views are sensational, and taking a cable car is always a fun mode of transport! The cable cars are surprisingly large, with a capacity of 20 people, so you shouldn’t feel claustrophobic. 

I actually saw a few people mountain climbing up which is just mind-blogging to me. Though not impossible after recently watching Alex Hammond’s gravity-defying ascend up El Capitan in Free Solo. That dude is nuts! 

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Head to the beach at Urca afterwards

Urca Beach in Rio de Janeiro

Back at the base, don’t be too quick to rush off back to the city again. Stroll over to the small beach, situated in a picturesque bay at the foot of Morro da Urca. You can also rent out a surf paddle if you’re feeling adventurous (about R$60 to rent for one hour) or go canoeing over the bay to explore the little cracks and crannies in the rocky walls (about R$10 – R$20 an hour).

Where to stay in Rio de Janeiro

I stayed in the neighboured of Ipanema which is a great base for sightseeing. There’s no short supply of attractions, including art galleries, museums, independent shops and boutique hotels. It’s most famous attraction, Ipanema beach, is world-famous for its white, sandy beach and iconic view of Two Brothers Mountain.

→ Search for hotels in Rio de Janeiro 

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Getting the cable car to sugarloaf mountain in Rio de Janeiro

Enjoy your trip to Sugarloaf Mountain!

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